By: Our Special Correspondent
Kite flying is banned but the banned item flies in the air giving a shut up call to enforcers that their law exists only on papers and nothing more.
This lawless attitude has become the national mindset and the reasons behind it are very simple as the law only exists in paper and but a lip service and it serves rich and poor differently.
Prime Minister Imran Khan has made this statement of fact many a timesthat the law of land has different yard sticks for rich and the poor.

There are no two opinions as how things happen in ‘land of the pure’ the cases in courts have death sentence for the murderers while another court exenorates the murderer. These two extremes have public giving out their sentiments in expletives which are not worth writing.
The kite flying is going on with a fervor and till filing of this report many thousands of kites have been confiscated with the killer thread, hundreds have been injured with quite a few dead falling from the roof tops and getting injured on road.
The law itself fly away with the kite that goes with the wind. The poor who have nothing much to be happy about are caught with the broken kites as they have been found with ‘illegal possession’, the rich elite arrange kite flying parties from their roof tops.
If at all the law is implemented in true later there would be no kite flying in air.
The scribe file Friday’s report with a heavy heart as in Lahore a professor Muhammad Aftab died on his way to work. The professor recently did his Phd in Chemistry from United States and was performing his duties in prestigious Government Dayal Singh College. The incident happened on Muslim Town Bridge. It is also heard the professor’s marriage was on cards in few days time.
The loose thread from the kite wrapped around his neck and his throat was slit open. The passerby tried their best to save the beacon of light and hope for the next generation but killer thread makers made it sure that the thread cuts through his jugular and he is no more serving the generation for which he crossed oceans for learning.
The latest in the display shows a miracle where in a boy who survived from bullet which is struck in his skull. It all happened in Waris Khan Police Station, Rawalpindi jurisdiction, where kite flyers did aerial firing and the result is in picture.
How this is going to stop this scribe leaves the debate open for authorities. One professor has died and the child is with a bullet in the skull how long it will take for the government to put a complete ban on the killer sport.