By: Adkhamjon Janobiddinov
As we know, Samarkand city is known as one of the oldest cities of the world. It was also the city that played an important role in the emergence and development of both Renaissance periods in the history of Uzbekistan and contributing to the development of World Science.
At the initiative of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoev, a solemn opening ceremony of the international tourism center ” The Great Silk Road” was held, another magnificent complex that will soon mark a new image of Samarkand. It can be said without a doubt that this complex will have a special place in the foundation of the third Renaissance, which is being built in New Uzbekistan.
For almost four years, a huge complex has been built on an area of 212 hectares was completed with the participation of qualified builders of our country and mature specialists from countries such as Turkey, Great Britain and Italy. 8 modern hotels, Congress Hall, The Immortal City complex, the amphitheater and many other structures reflecting the great history of our country were built here.

The complex has its own significance not only for its construction but also for the so-called “Great Silk Road”. The reason is that from time immemorial the city of Samarkand was a city with caravanserais, where caravans of merchants trading through the Great Silk Road stopped and rested, where world civilization collided. Therefore, historical scenes from that period are reflected here. For example, in the decoration of the “Immortal City” complex, images of the ceremony of receiving ambassadors of Korea, China, India and other countries of the Ruler of the Sogdian state, preserved in the ancient African walls, were used.

Also, an ancient market, 40 craft workshops which is related to all places in Uzbekistan was created for tourists in order to feel a full-fledged history. Here masters demonstrate to tourists such processes as wood carving, ceramics, jewelry, carpet weaving. It makes possible not only to acquaint tourists’ visiting to the country with our rich spiritual history, but also to glorify our history around the world through their purchases.

This creates ample opportunities for the implementation of the ambitious goals set in the development of the tourism industry in the country in a new Uzbekistan development strategy. In particular, the new tourism center plays an important role in increasing the number of foreign tourists coming to Samarkand by 1.5 million in the coming years.
At the opening ceremony of Majuma, the holiday which was organized in the amphitheater of courtyard of the “Eternal City” complex, attracted thousands of compatriots, together with representatives of the foreign diplomatic corps and tourists.
It is also important to mention that, the international tourism center “The Great Silk Road” which was built on the ground of Samarkand, will hold the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in 2022, the meeting of the heads of the member countries of the organization of Turkic states, and next year, the annual meeting of the board of the European bank for reconstruction and development and the General Assembly of the World Tourism.