Writing Guidelines

We appreciate our contributors sending in articles/blogs for publication to ‘The Dayspring’. However, there are certain criteria for submitting your write-ups.

•        Contributors are requested to provide the following details along with the article /blog they are submitting, details include full name, address, email address, a picture with a clear background (ideally white), contact number, two liners bio (to be included at the end of your published work).

•        Contributors are requested not to send the same article to other publications/newspapers/blogs as we only accommodate exclusive pieces.

•        Your write-up should not be copied from anywhere as we always check for plagiarism before publishing.

•        Any information/facts included in the write-ups should have proper references.

•        Our editorial team has the right to make changes accordingly.

•        Our preferred topics are Women’s Rights, Youth, Transgender, Health, HIV, Education, Technology and Environment.  

We publish research articles and academic write-ups for a fee of Rs. 6000 per article. Submissions must adhere to either APA or Chicago referencing styles. A team of expert researchers will review each article before publication, and all articles will be checked for plagiarism.

While every effort will be made to acknowledge receipt of contributions if an article or a letter is not published/printed or acknowledged within two weeks of its receipt, it is unlikely to be published.

Send your writeups to [email protected]