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Friday, July 26, 2024

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UNAIDS Issues Urgent Call to Safeguard Women’s Health and Rights Ahead of International Women’s Day

By: Asim Nawaz Abbasi

GENEVA: In light of International Women’s Day on March 8th, UNAIDS emphasizes the critical need to safeguard women’s rights to ensure their well-being. Despite progress, the world falls significantly short of meeting gender equality and HIV targets outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals. Shockingly, it’s estimated to take 300 years to end child marriage, 140 years for women to achieve equal representation in leadership roles, and 47 years to achieve gender parity in national parliaments at the current pace.

Tragically, at least five women or girls are killed every hour by family members worldwide, and one in three women experience sexual or gender-based violence. Moreover, women facing violence are at higher risk of acquiring HIV, with conflict-affected areas posing increased danger due to sexual violence.

UNAIDS highlights the detrimental impact of the organized backlash against women’s rights, stressing the urgent need for action. Despite these challenges, women and girls globally are leading movements for equality, advocating for their rights, and providing vital support to those facing violence.

To combat these injustices, UNAIDS calls for robust support of community organizations, civil society groups, and women’s movements—essential defenders of women’s rights. Their message this International Women’s Day is clear: protecting women’s health and rights is key to ending AIDS and overcoming the inequalities fueling it.

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